
Many treatments are available to help reduce or eliminate the symptoms and rash associated with the disease.
When it comes to skin diseases siddha system of medicines treats from its root cause without any side effects
In Tamil Siddha Medicine, Psoriasis is formally called as காளஞ்சக வாதம் Kaalanjaga Vaatham.
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an auto immune disorder disease. It is characterized by silvery and scaly patches, which can affect any part of the body.
Skin, which is the largest organ of the body, regenerates itself approximately every 27 days.
But the region of the skin affected by psoriasis, skin replaces itself within 3-4 days its visible to the eyes as dry silvery scales ( like snake skin )
In siddha Medicine, psoriasis is a one among the 80 vata diseases.
What causes Psoriasis?
Stress is the major factor of developing psoriasis
In Siddha Medicine System, psoriasis arises when the vata dosha goes out of balance which further deteriorates the saptha thaathus of the body. Other factors could be :
- Hereditary – 60% is both parents affected.
- Trauma – cuts, bruises, burns.
- Environmental factor/climatic changes.
- Emotional stress.
- Fast foods – filly, spicy, sour food - damaging the liver (detoxification being the major liver function )
- Smoking, alcohol.
- Consuming high diary products which has indirect steroids ( hormonal injection shots for the cow to induce more milk )
- Controlling natural urges – vomiting, urination, bowel (constipation ) causing increased toxins in blood
The symptoms vary from person to person:
Siddhar yugi muni in his medical work has described the symptoms and siddha treatment for psoriasis.
வாதமாங் கால்கையில் குரங்கிரண்டும்
வருத்து சந்து முறுக்கியே குடைந்து நொந்து
நாதமா நடைதானுந்த் தான் கொடாமல்
நலிந்துமே முடமாகிக் கரடு கட்டிச்
சேதமாஞ் சடந்தானு மிக வெளுத்து
தினவோடு சிரங்குமாய்ச் சேட்பமாகி
காதமாய ருசியோடு மயக்க மாகும்
கருதிய காலாஞ் சகமாம் வாதாமாமே.
–யூகி முனி வைத்திய சிந்தாமணி
Psoriasis is a vata diseases, arises out of derangement of vata humor.
Pain in the limbs.
Sometimes the Joints will be swollen and stiff which is called psoriatic arthiritis.
The affected region will have itching, burning or soreness.i.e தினவு .
Paleness of skin and rashes.
The skin would be dry, scaly and cracked. ie சொறி.
Also Siddhar Agathiyar in his ancient medical literature Agathiyar paripooranam 400, describes about psoriasis disease. Siddhar Agathiyar refers to psoriasis as a kanma noi [கன்ம நோய்], meaning it is triggered in the persons who has negative thinking and hatred for others. This includes toxic emotions (like anger, grief, and shame), unforgiveness toward themselves and others, and negative, self-destructive thoughts, feelings or behaviors. A medical perspective to this is that the negative thoughts which roots in the subconscious level, negatively impacts the immune system and the body’s ability to heal itself.
விரல்குறுகுங் கால்திமிரும் விஷம் போலேரும்
மெய்யழுந்துந் தலை சுழலும் வெளுக்குமேனி
பரமான தேகமெல்லாந் தடித்து காணும்
பாதமெல்லாம் வெடித்து மிக புன்னாங்கானும்
சரசமுடன் சொறிகரப்பான் பணம்போல் தோணும்
சாந்தையாமே விந்துகெடுந்த் தடித்து வீங்கும்
நரருலகிலிந்த் நோய்க்கு மருந்தீயாதே
நல்லோரை பழித்த குஷ்டகன்மமாமே.
–அகத்தியர் பரிபூரணம்-400
Siddha Treatment for psoriasis.
The Siddha treatment aims in blood purifications and balancing the vitiated doshas rather than giving symptomatic relief. Both the internal and external siddha medicines are employed in treating psoriasis. The treatment starts with a preliminary detoxification therapy to get rid of the toxins accumulated in the body for years and to bring the doshas to their balanced state. After that, internal siddha medicines like powerful poly herbal treated herbo-mineral medicines of single or compound mix like sendoorams [செந்தூரம்], parpams [பற்பம்] and mezugu [மெழுகு] etc are administered to purify the blood and strengthen the immune system. The external medicine like topical application of medicated poly herbal oils [மூலிகை எண்ணெய்] is administered to get rid of scalings. Also rejuvenating treatment [கற்பம்] is given to strengthen the thaathus of body. As psoriasis disturbs on the psychological side, stress management and lifestyle changes are advised.
Psoriasis is a communicable disease. No psoriasis is not a contagious or communicable disease. It is an auto immune disease that affects skin. Psoriasis is caused by poor hygiene. As said before, Psoriasis is a multi factorial disease triggered by heredity, stress, environmental factor etc. It can not be attributed to the personnel poor hygiene.
Psoriasis is a cosmetic problem.
Since its symptoms are shown in skin, it is common to take it as a mere cosmetic problem. But the fact is it is a series, lifelong chronic auto immune disease. It may disappear sometime and can recur. Chronic psoriasis can lead to psoriatic arthritis ( which is also an auto - immune disorder ) Psoriasis is only physical problem.
No,it cannot be ruled out as an physical problem, as it affects the psychological level leading to emotional imbalances, depression and stress. So it has to be treated at mental level also. Psoriasis can not be treated.
While there is no cure for psoriasis in other medicine systems, it is treatable in siddha medicine. Siddhar Agathiyar says, psoriasis is a kanma noi, but has never said asaathiya noi, meaning it can be treatable. Again Doctors treat but God heals.
Psoriasis problems consulted successfully.
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